
नए आगमन बुलेटिन New Arrival Bulletin वॉल्यूम सं / Vol. 5 issue 6

निम्नलिखित पुस्तकों को पुस्तकालय के संग्रह में हाल में जोडा गया हैं | इन किताबों को नए आगमन अनुभाग में रखा गया है | आप इन पुस्तकों को उधार ले  सकते हैं | Following books are recently added to the Library Collection. These books are kept in the New Arrivals Section. You may borrow these books.

क्र सं SI No
शीर्षक / Title
लेखक / Author
Modular Invariant Theory
H.E.A. Eddy Campbell and David L. Wehlau
बादलों के घेरे
कृष्णा सोब्ती
An Introduction to Algebraic Topology
Joseph J. Rotman
Groups, Rings, and Fields
D.A.R. Wallace
 Rational Points on Elliptic Curves
Joseph H. Silverman, John Tate
A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
Neal Koblitz
Essential Topology
Martin D. Crossley

IISER TVM participation in the 11th Annual Meet & Workshop of the INDEST-AICTE Consortium

IISER Thiruvananthapuram  participated in the 11th Annual Meet & Workshop of the INDEST-AICTE Consortium held at IISER Mohali held during 29-30 April 2015. 

Dr. Sainul abideen , Asst. Librarian delivered an invite talk on “Applications of ‘Wink’ Software in developing self-instructional tutorials for e-resources”, during the meet.

Dr. Sainul Abideen, delivering the invited talk

Introduced Grammarly@edu Service

Library has introduced Grammarly@edu, a grammar and plagiarism checking service. Grammarly has facility for grammar checking specific to different types of documents such as academic essays, reports, book reviews, research papers (default), dissertation, presentations, business document, creative writing etc. 

This can also be used to verify authenticity of the documents i.e whether contents are copied from other sources like websites (Plagiarism Checking).

Grammarly can be used online with a login/password. Institute community can register themselves at with their IISER email ID. (details about the registration process is appended below).

Once the login/password is created you may use it online from the above web address or may install Grammarly as a plugin for your Microsoft word, so that advanced features of Grammarly can be used while using MS Word.

Grammarly Registration Process
To Set up access for the users, please follow below steps:

Step 1: Go to  (mandatory to sign up from this URL)

Step 2: Click on Create Account button, fill up the self-service form. Ensure that users are registering from their domain mail ID.
Step 3: Please put the Access Code box - [ contact Asst. librarian for Access Code]

An activation email will be sent to the user's institutional email ID once he/she registers. Users may at times get this in Spam Folder due to mail setting - users are advised to check spam folder in case the link is not received in their inbox.